Desktop Lock Express Removal Tool

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CMOS De-Animator is an up to date tool compared to the majority of BIOS hacking/resetting tools out there, and can reset the BIOS password from within Windows. The latest version 2 executable of CMOS De-Animator is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. Remove junk files and unnecessary program files Compatible with all 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and Windows Server Portable version for all your personal Windows devices.

This article contains instructions to uninstall Norton device security from your Windows computer.

To uninstall Norton device security from Mac, read Uninstall Norton device security on Mac.

When you run the Norton Remove and Reinstall tool, it uninstalls all1 the Norton products currently installed in your Windows computer and restarts your computer.

  1. Download the Norton Remove and Reinstall tool.

    Save the file to the Windows desktop. On some browsers, the file is automatically saved to its default location.

  2. To open the Downloads window in your browser, press the Ctrl + J key.

  3. Double-click the NRnR icon.

  4. Read the license agreement, and click Agree.

  5. Click Advanced Options.

  6. Click Remove Only.

  7. Click Remove.

  8. Click Restart Now.

You can reinstall the product using the installation file that you downloaded from your Norton account. To know more, read Install Norton device security.

Desktop Lock Express Removal Tool

1Norton Remove and Reinstall tool does not uninstall Norton Family from your computer. If you have Norton Family installed, uninstall it before you run the Norton Remove and Reinstall tool. For instructions, read Uninstall Norton Family from your device.

Q: I want to put a document as a shortcut in Virtual Screen?

A: Virtual Screen supports to add document to its virtual desktops, you can add any document (text document, word document etc) to the virtual desktops directly. Plus, Virtual Screen also supports to add programs with command line parameters.

Q: How to unlock the locked desktop? I didn't change any setting.

A: Please press the h key from your keyboard, then the system will be unlocked. This is because the default unlock mode is HOTKEY and the unlock hotkey by default is 'h'.

Q: I pressed the unlock hotkey, but the system can not be unlocked?

A: The unlock hotkey is not a normal Windows hotkey, you should press each of the character in the hotkey string sequentially. For example: if the hotkey is 'abc', you should first press the button 'a', and then release it, then 'b' and release, then 'c'. Do NOT hold all of keys while pressing the hotkey.

Q: What is the different between Desktop Lock and its Business Edition?

A: Desktop Lock Business Edition provides all the features in the common edition, and it also provides several additional features. The lock mode 'Lock keyboard and mouse only, don't freeze screen' will only work in Business Edition. And the 'Virtual Screen' will only be a DEMO version in common version, if you want to use the tool, you should purchase the Business Edition.

Q: How to upgrade to Business Edition, is there discounts?

A: You can upgrade common version to the Business Edition, please contact us for the special order link and price.

Q: Virtual Screen: The Virtual Screen tool doesn't work on my computer?

A: The Virtual Screen tool does not support Windows 98/Me.

Q: I don't want the banner on the locked desktop, how can I turn it off?

A: if you don't want the banner to be displayed during locking, please set the banner text to be empty (blank) in the settings.

Q: It asks me for old password the first time I set password, I don't know what it is?

A: [NOTE since version 7.0, Desktop Lock will not ask for the old password when you set new password to it.]
Please just leave the 'Old Password' area to be empty (blank), the old password by default is blank.

Q: I want to lock my computer by a command line, don't want to use hotkey or 'Lock Now' button?

A: Sure, there is a command parameter '/Lock' can be used to lock the system directly, you can use this parameter with the program file TLDL.EXE , like this:
'C:Program FilesDesktop LockTLDL.EXE' /Lock

Q: Does Desktop Lock supports multiple monitors?

A: Yes, Desktop Lock supports multiple monitors. However, the banner will only be shown on the default monitor, and so does the video files.

Q: I want to specify the position for the banner, don't want the rolling banner?

A: Please use the version 7.1 or later, and you can specify the position of the banner such as 'top-left' etc.

Q: Virtual Screen: How can I use Open Office 3.x in Virtual Screen?

A: Open Office 3.x will always be shown on the real desktop, even you launch it in the virtual desktop. This is because the programsoffice.exe is a helper program for creating the instance of the main program programsoffice.bin, and it will force all the instances to be on the real desktop.
To use Open Office in Virtual Screen, you have to do some modification to the Open Office, and add a new path to the system PATH variable. The steps:
1. Open the program folder of Open Office, normally it is 'C:Program 3program'.
2. Rename soffice.exe to soffice.bak.exe, we don't want to use this helper program.
3. Rename soffice.bin to soffice.exe, this is the actual main program.
4. Click Start - Run, input sysdm.cpl and click OK to run it.
5. In 'System Properties' dialog box, click the tab Advanced, and then click button Environment Variables.
6. Locate the variable name Path in the 'System variables' list box, and double-click to edit it.
7. Move cursor to the end of the input box, append the following string:
;C:Program 3UREbin
, and click OK 3 times to return.
Note there is a ';' in front of the string. The paths in the system PATH variable are separated by the letter ';'.
This step is important, it actually adds the BIN folder of the Open Office to the PATH variable, so that the main program can know where to find those DLL files, this was the task of the helper program (the original soffice.exe), now we do not use that helper program, so we must add the BIN path manually.
8. Now try to launch the Open Office as you did before, if it worked then all have been done, you can use it in Virtual Screen as other programs.

Q: Virtual Screen: How to start a profile (virtual desktop) directly in command line?

A: You can use the profile name in the command line along with the switch '/s', for example:
'C:Program FilesDesktop LockDLVS.exe' /s Default

Q: Virtual Screen: How to use Virtual Screen on DVD?

A: [Version 9.2.0 (Desktop Lock 7.3.0) and later]
It is possible to use Virtual Screen along with the configuration on DVD. There is a new command line switch /DataFile can be used to specify the configuration file. This switch will force the Virtual Screen to use the configuration file it specified instead of the default one. For example:
DLVS.exe /DataFile:abc.dat
DLVS.exe /DataFile:'G:My FolderMy'
With this switch, you can specify the configuration file on the DVD. In additional, you also can setup the Virtual Screen to allow the programs and documents on the same DVD.


Q: Virtual Screen: Firefox cannot play flash media in virtual desktop?

Desktop Lock Express Removal Tool Repair

A: Firefox uses plugin-container.exe to launch the plug-ins; the flash player plugin in Firefox also creates additional processes (e.g. FlashPlayerPlugin_11_6_602_171.exe, the file name is related to the current version of the Flash Player). So you must also add those programs to the profile to allow them to be launched. You can make them to be hidden so they will not be shown on the virtual desktop.
In Firefox all plugins will be launched by plugin-container.exe, so you must add it to the profile when adding Firefox to the profile so that the Firefox can work correctly.

Desktop Lock Express Removal Tool Kit


Desktop Computer Lock

Q: Virtual Screen: Use Google Chrome in virtual desktop?

Desktop Lock Express Removal Tool Boxes

A: To use Google Chrome in Virtual Screen, you have to disable the sandbox mode of Chrome. To do that, please modify the command line of the related program item in Virtual Screen control program, and add an additional string ' --no-sandbox'. The final command line will be like this:
'C:Program Files (x86)GoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe' --no-sandbox
Note disabling sandbox mode will cause Chrome to display a warning message each time you open it. But this is the only way to make it working in V-Screen.
This modification won't affect the Chrome in real desktop.