Free Atari Emulator

Atari 2600 joystick:

Joystick control:
Player 1: Player 2:
black-white / color mode: F2
paddle / joystick mode: Alt+L


This Atari game is emulated by JavaScript only. If you prefere to use Java applet e­mu­la­tor, please fol­low this link.

The Atari 8-bit family is a series of 8-bit home computers introduced by Atari, Inc. In 1979 and manufactured until 1992. All are based on the MOS Technology 6502 CPU running at 1.79 MHz, roughly twice that of similar designs, and were the first home computers designed with custom co-processor. Nintendo(NES) Emulators File name Console Platform Rating Dowloads 80five: Nintendo: Windows: 3.6/5: 30,846.

  • Z26 is an Atari 2600 Emulator for Windows, Mac OS X and DOS. Wiz-2600 Wiz-2600 is a port of the multi-platform emulator Stella to the GamePark Wiz handheld. Stella is on of the best emulator of Atari 2600 game console, running on many different systems, such as Linux, Solaris, Windows, MacOS/X, WinCE, OS/2, GP2X.
  • Download Stella - Atari 2600 Emulator for free. Stella is a multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator. It allows you to play all of your favorite Atari 2600 games again!

Other platforms:

Unfortunately, this game is cur­rent­ly available only in this ver­si­on. Be patient :-)

Game info:

box cover
Game title:Pitfall!
Console: Atari 2600
Author (released):Activision (1982)
Genre:Action, PlatformMode:Single-player
Design:David Crane
Game manual:manual.pdf

File size:

1414 kB
Download: not available (stream only)

Game size:

4 kB
Recommended emulator:Stella
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Pitfall! is a video game released by Activision for the Atari 2600 in 1982. It is the second best-selling game made for the Atari 2600 (after Pac-Man), with over 4 million copies sold.
The player must maneuver a character (Pitfall Harry) through a maze-like jungle in an attempt to recover 32 treasures in a 20-minute time period. Along the way, he must negotiate numerous hazards, including pits, quicksand, rolling logs, fire, rattlesnakes, scorpions, and crocodiles. Harry may jump over or otherwise avoid these obstacles by climbing, running, or swinging on vines. Treasure includes gold and silver bars, diamond rings, and bags of money. Under the jungle there is a tunnel which Harry can access through ladders found at various points. Travelling though the tunnel moves forward three screens at a time, which is necessary in order to collect all the treasures within the time limit. However, the tunnels are filled with dead-ends blocked by brick walls, forcing the player to return to the surface at one of the ladders, and try to find a way around again, thus wasting time. The tunnels also contain scorpions, which can harm Harry.

More details about this game can be found on

For fans and collectors:
Find this game on video server or
Buy original game or Atari 2600 console on or

Find digital download of this game on GOGorSteam.

Videogame Console:

This ver­sion of Pitfall! was de­sig­ned for A­ta­ri 2600, which was com­mer­ci­al­ly ve­ry suc­ces­s­ful vi­deo ga­me con­so­le of se­cond ge­ne­ra­tion pro­du­ced by A­ta­ri from 1977 to 1992. It was the first con­so­le that used re­mo­vab­le me­mory mo­du­les with ga­mes. At the time of its grea­test fa­me, mo­re than 30 mil­li­on units of this con­so­le were sold for about $ 200 a pie­ce. To da­te, the ga­me li­bra­ry for this con­so­le con­tains near­ly 1,000 o­ri­gi­nal ga­mes. Mo­re in­for­ma­ti­on about the Atari 2600 can be found here.

Recommended Game Controllers:

You can control this game easily by using the keyboard of your PC (see the table next to the game). However, for maximum gaming enjoyment, we strongly recommend using a USB joystick that you simply plug into the USB port of your computer. If you do not have a joystick, buy a suitable USB controller in Amazon or in some of your favorite online stores.

Available online emulators:

4 different online emulators are available for Pitfall!. These emulators differ not only in the technology they use to emulate old games, but also in support of various game controllers, multiplayer mode, mobile phone touchscreen, emulation speed, absence or presence of embedded ads and in many other parameters. For maximum gaming enjoyment, it's important to choose the right emulator, because on each PC and in different Internet browsers, the individual emulators behave differently. The basic features of each emulator available for this game Pitfall! are summarized in the following table:

EmulatorTechnologyMultiplayerUSB gamepadTouchscreenWithout ads
JStellaJava appletYESNONOYES

Similar games:
Tom BoyPitfall II: Lost CavernsSuper PitfallJungle HuntPitfall IV


Atari 800 Emulator
How to Download and Play Classic Atari Game

The Atari800win Plus emulator lets you run 1980s-era Atari computerprograms on your Windows PC. You run the programs in a window like theone shown here. It only takes a few minutes to download, set up, andrun the emulator. These are the basic steps:

1. Download the emulator software.
2. Download the games (or other software).
3. Configure the emulator.
4. Play the game.

Detailed instructions are provided below.

Downloading the EmulatorSoftware

To download and install the Atari800Win Plus emulator, follow thesesimple instructions.

  1. Go to the Downloads Jaskier/Atari800Win-Plus GitHub web site, and click the link that says 'Atari800Win' In the dialog box, click Open. This downloads the .zipfile and opens a file browser containing a folder called 'Atari800WinPlus 4.1.' Drag the folder to your desktop or some other convenientplace. You might get a security warning; click OK.
  2. Open the new Atari800Win Plus 4.1 folder on your desktop. Youshould see a subfolder named Rom; open it. This folder is empty. Youneed to fill this folder with the Atari 800 ROM images.
  3. Go to the Atari800Win Plus The Atari 8-bit Emulator: News web site. Click the link that says In the dialog box, choose '[x] Open with [Windows Explorer (default)],' then click OK. In the file browser, you should see files nameATARIBAS.ROM, ATARIOSB.ROM, and so on. Choose 'Extract all files' andnavigate to your new Rom directory (Desktop > Atari800Win Plus 4.1> Rom) and click OK, then Extract. The files should now be in yourRom folder.
  4. Navigate up one directory level to the Atari800Win Plus 4.1folder. Double-click the Atari800Win.exe icon. Click the Run button (you might see a security warning in the dialog box). This should start theAtari 800 emulator. The Atari screen shows a message, 'Sorry thisprogram needs a real Atari/OS.'
  5. Using the pull-down menu, chooseAtari > ROM Images. In the dialog box, set XL/XE to the full name ofthe ATARIXL.ROM file and set BASIC to the full name of the ATARIBAS.ROMfile. Click OK.
  6. Using the pull-down menu, choose Misc > File Associations. Puta check mark next to ATR and click OK. This will cause your .ATR filesto run automatically when you click on them.
The Atari800win Plus emulator is now installed!

Downloading the Games

Follow the links below to download the desired games. Move eachdownloaded file into a folder. You only need one file, the '.ATR' file,for each game. I suggest trying Dog Daze Deluxe or Bumpomov's Dogsfirst.

DogDaze Deluxe (file APX20264.ATR) watch demo
Bumpomov'sDogs (file APX20272.ATR) watch demo
Claim Jumper (file claimjumper.exe) watch demo
DogDaze (file APX20069.ATR) watch demo
Other games and software (Pac-Man,Frogger, Shamus ...)

Save each downloaded file into your Atari800Win Plus 4.1 folder.

Note: You can rename the files to make them meaningful. For example,you can change APX20264.ATR to DogDazeDeluxe.ATR.

Configuring the Emulator Options

The emulator remembers your settings from session to session, so youonly need to configure it once.

  1. From the pull-down menus of the Atari emulator, choose View >Graphics Options. In the dialog box, set the Display Mode to 672 x 480.A new dialog box warns you that the program might run slowly; Click OK.Then click OK in the Graphics Options dialog box.
  2. If you have an Atari joystick with a USB interface, connect it to a USB port. See Optional: Connect Atari Joysticks Through USB Port below. In that case, you can skip step 3 below.
  3. The emulator is configured by default to use the numeric keypad forthe joystick controls. If that's what you want, skip this stepand continue with Step 4. For a two-player game, or if your computerdoes not have a numeric keypad, you need to select the USB-connectedjoysticks or configure the keys toemulate the joysticks. For a two-player game, you can configure somekeys on the left side of the keyboard to control the 'left' player andthe numeric keypad on the right, on the right, to control the 'right'player. From the pull-down menus, choose Input > Joysticks.Configure the joystick controls as shown below. Set Joystick 1 to useKeyset A. Set Joystick 2 to use Numpad. Click the Keyset A button andthen click OK in the warning dialog box; this opens the ConfigureKeyset A dialog box. Click on each button and type the correspondingkey as indicated below, including the space bar for the Fire Button.
    Click OK in the Configure Keyset A dialog box, then click OK in theJoystick Options dialog box.
    If you don't have a numeric keypad, configure Joystick 1 to Keyset Aand Joystick 2 to Keyset B. For Keyset B, use keys U I O, J K, and M, to emulate the direction keys and the Alt key to emulate the Firebutton.

  4. From the pull-down menus, choose Atari > Disk Drives. Clickthe D1 button and select the name of the desired game. Then click OK.

  5. Press the F5 key, which serves as the Atari RESET key.
The Atari emulator is now configured to play the game!

Atari 2600 - Downloads - Emulators - Emutopia

Optional: Connect Atari Joysticks Through a USB Port

For full enjoyment of Atari computer games on your emulator, it's best to use real Atari joysticks rather than keyboard keys.

If you have real Atari joysticks for Atari 400/800 computers or the Atari2600 (VCS) game console, you can connect them to your computerusing the Retro-Link Adapter USB Cable for Atari Controllers. I got mine from for $3 plus a small shipping charge. Maybe it was a clearance sale,because it's usually around $12. The adapter lets you connect up to two Atari joysticks through a single USB plug. The joystick connectorsare a little loose; sometimes I have to jiggle the connector in thesocket to make the joystick work properly.

If you don't already have Atari joysticks, you can buy newly manufacturedreplica joysticks with a USB cord for about $18 each, made by Retro-Link.

After you connect your joysticks, choose Input > Joysticks in theemulator menu. In the Joystick Options dialog box, use the pull-downmenus to select the USB-connected joysticks, then click OK.

Free Atari Emulator
Playing the Game

The F2 key serves as the Atari START key. Press it to start (orrestart) the game.

The F4 key serves as the Atari OPTION key. To set the game options,press the F4 key before you start the game.

The F5 key serves as the Atari RESET key.

If you're using the keyboard keys to emulate the joystick controls:

  • Single player (or right player in two-player mode) with a numerickeypad: Make sure Num Lock is on. If necessary, press the Num Lock keyto turn on the Num Lock light. Place your middle finger on the '5' keyin the numeric keypad. Press the adjacent keys to move your player inthe desired direction. The '0-Ins' key serves as the joystick button.
  • Left player (when configured for two players): Put your middlefinger on the letter 'S' key. Press the adjacent keys to move yourplayer in the desired direction. The Space Bar serves as the joystickbutton.

Quick Notes on Each Game

Dog Daze Deluxe:Claim the blue fire hydrant before your opponent. To launch your bone,press the joystick button while running in the vertical or horizontaldirection. If no one is using the other joystick, the computer takesover and plays against you. You can switch sides at any time; just takecontrol of the other joystick. If you never use your bone, thecomputer-controlled dog will not use his either.

Bumpomov's Dogs: Hold downthe key in the direction that you want your dog to move. The dogaccelerates or slows down gradually. Pick up the dog biscuits and carrythem back to your doghouse. You can carry no more than 30 dog biscuitsand no more than two bones. Press your joystick button to launch yourbone. If you 'lean' against a wall during the launch, the bone followsalong that wall.

Claim Jumper: Theprogram is stored as an Atari executable (.exe) file rather than a diskimage (.ATR) file. To run the program, choose File > Load Executableand select the file name, claimjumper.exe. Pick up the gold nugget,carry it to the assay office, and deposit the cash in your bank.Meanwhile, avoid the pursuing snakes or tumbleweeds. Pressing thejoystick button drops your gold/cash, drops a snake egg or tumbleweedseed if you are standing still, or shoots a bullet if you are running.

Dog Daze: This isan older and simpler version of Dog Daze that launched my brief careeras a computer game designer and programmer. Unless you are interestedin the history of the game, play the Deluxe version instead.

Free Atari Emulator

If you have any questions or comments, you can contact me at my guest register page.

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Atari 2600 - ROMs Free Download

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Dog Daze ©1981 Gray Chang, Claim Jumper ©1982 SynapseSoftware, Bumpomov's Dogs ©1983 Gray Chang

Web page ©2003-2014 Gray Chang. Updated June 2014.