P90x2 Fat Shredder Diet


So Fat Shredder 2.0 isn’t anything you’ll need long-term. Odds are, you don’t need it at all, but if you’ve taken a little time off since P90X and need to get back on track, or just want to do some cutting, this plan might give you an effective few weeks of fat shredding. A QUICK LOOK AT P90X2 NUTRITION PLAN TERMINOLOGY. These are all the foods I ate while I was doing the Fat Shredder Diet for P90X. Notice Shakeology Is the first thing I have in the morning! The fat Shredding. Foods on the P90X Fat Shredder Plan You'll eat lean protein at every meal during the Fat Shredder phase, such as boneless, skinless poultry, lean pork, lean red meat, egg whites, fish and shellfish, tofu and veggie burgers. Carbohydrate-rich foods such as legumes, potatoes and grains are allowed, but you are limited to one serving per day. The P90X2 Levels are as follows: Level A: 1,800 to 2,399 calories/day. Level B: 2,400 to 2,999 calories/day. Level C: 3,000+ calories/day. The P90X2 Phases are as follows: Phase I — 50% protein/25% carbs/25% fat. Phase II — 30% protein/40% carbs/30% fat. Phase III — 25% protein/50% carbs/25% fat.

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The P90X Nutrition Plan is a 13-week program that is designed to assist dieters to lose weight and build muscle.

It is used in conjunction with the P90X Workout Program that includes intensive resistance training routines.

Recently P90X revamped their whole program and it’s now called P90X3.

P90X3 Diet Basics

The P90X3 Nutrition Plan includes three phases:

Phase 1: Fat Shredder

This phase is the lowest in calories to help kick start weight loss and is followed for the first four weeks.

Carbohydrates are almost completely eliminated while protein intake is kept high to help with building muscle and burning fat.

Phase 2: Energy Booster

In phase two complex carbohydrates are added back into the diet to allow you to train harder and keep up with the intense workouts during this phase.

Dieters are permitted to eat three serves of complex carbohydrates such as whole wheat bread, pasta or oatmeal as well as one piece of low glycemic index fruit daily.

Protein intake also remains high so as to aid in muscle recovery.

P90x2 Fat Shredder Diet Pills

You can stick with this phase as long as it is working for you and only need to progress to phase 3 if you want to increase muscular endurance and gain more muscle.

Phase 3: Endurance Maximizer

Carbohydrates are increased further to give you the stamina necessary to get through the high-intensity workouts of this phase.

In All Phases

In all of the phases eating frequent small meals and drinking lots of water are emphasized.

Dieters have two options for each phase; either follow the meal plan or the portion plan. The meal plan includes sample menus with recipes.

With the portion plan, you are given a list of how many serves of each food type you are allowed so you can devise your own meal plans.

Before you start the program you will need to calculate your recommended calorie intake, which is based on your activity level and resting metabolic rate.

Recommended Foods

Lean meat, eggs, low-fat milk and cheese, fresh fruits and vegetables, peanut butter, flax seeds, wholegrain bread and pasta, dried fruit, soy nuts, protein bars, mustard, salsa, fat-free salad dressing.

Sample P90X3 Meal Plan



Morning Snack

Scrambled eggs


Chicken breast
Green salad

Afternoon Snack

Protein bar
1 apple


Grilled fish
Steamed vegetables

Evening Snack

Protein shake

Exercise Recommendations

Exercise is the foundation of the P90X2 plan and the program includes 12 DVD’s that demonstrate weight training, cardio, and yoga exercise routines.

The workouts are based on the principle of ‘muscle confusion’, which accelerates results by constantly introducing new moves and routines so that your body doesn’t have time to adapt.

Costs and Expenses

The P90X2 Program is available in three levels; for

  • 3 payments of $39.50 for the basic version.
  • 3 payments of $79.90 for the deluxe.
  • 3 payments of $109.85 for the ultimate kit.

It’s available on Blu-ray disc and in Spanish also.

iPhone App

P90X3 also has an iPhone app available to assist people who are working through the program.

It shows you how to perform the exercises as well as allows you to keep track of your nutrition and record your progress.

This is handy because you can easily take your smartphone to the gym and still have access to the P90X system with the ability to record your progress on the go. There are several other apps available that go into the development of each muscle group more extensively as well.


  • Less expensive than a gym membership or hiring a personal trainer.
  • Does not require the purchase of expensive home exercise equipment.
  • High protein diet reduces appetite and promotes muscle recovery.
  • Includes recipes with nutritional information.
  • Online support has been shown to increase the likelihood of success.
  • Comes with a 90-day money back guarantee.


  • Many dieters experience fatigue in phase one due to the very low intake of carbohydrates.
  • Very restrictive and difficult to eat out.
  • Limits the intake of fresh fruits.
  • The high level of physical activity will not be suitable for all dieters.
  • Requires meal planning and preparation in advance.

Intense But Can Produce Results

Dieters may struggle with low energy levels during the first phase of P90X2 due to the very low intake of carbohydrates and calories.

It may be necessary to adjust your daily routines and limit physical activity other than the prescribed workouts. Once dieters reach phase two it will generally be much easier to maintain energy levels.

P90X will most appeal to the highly motivated dieter who enjoys intense physical activity. It will require a lot of discipline to stick to the program, however, dieters will likely be rewarded with positive results.

  • Boutcher, S. H. (2010). High-intensity intermittent exercise and fat loss. Journal of obesity, 2011. link
  • Rosenkilde, M., Auerbach, P., Reichkendler, M. H., Ploug, T., Stallknecht, B. M., & Sjödin, A. (2012). Body fat loss and compensatory mechanisms in response to different doses of aerobic exercise—a randomized controlled trial in overweight sedentary males. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 303(6), R571-R579. link
  • Heydari, M., Freund, J., & Boutcher, S. H. (2012). The effect of high-intensity intermittent exercise on body composition of overweight young males. Journal of obesity, 2012. link
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ConsumersCompare.org Staff

Updated on May 21, 2019

Parlaying the wild success of the first P90X program, Beachbody came out with their second version of the fitness program dubbed P90X2. As with the first P90X, P90X2 comes with the P90X Nutrition Plan. This is what is to be followed for the entire time participants are doing P90X2. The P90X Nutrition Plan consists of three phases each lasting 30 days and coinciding with the three different training blocks of the P90X2 program.

The first phase of the P90X Nutrition Plan is the Fat Shredder phase. It is a high protein, low carbohydrate phase that is supposed to help participants shred excess fat quickly.


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The second phase is called the Energy Booster Stage and rebalances the mix of proteins and carbohydrates to almost 50/50. This is supposedly needed as the workouts start to intensify and your body will therefore be demanding more energy.*

The third phase is the Endurance Maximizer and is meant to help get participants through the rest of the program. It is said to be molded after what professional athletes consume and has a bit more on the carbohydrate side as opposed to the Energy Booster stage.

Each phase consists of five daily meals and extreme levels of fitness that take anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half to complete. Supplements are also recommended and sold separately by Beachbody.


Do Dieters Lose Weight On The P90X Nutrition Diet?

P90x2 Fat Shredder Diet As Seen On Tv


Dieters will lose weight while using the P90X Nutrition Plan, but only if they also do the required six days of intense working out as well. The P90X Nutrition Plan was designed to compliment an extreme workout and without the workouts it will do little good. If anything, this program is more of a workout program rather than a weight loss program. People are getting into great shape and building muscle while participating. A lot of the exercises require pull ups, and push ups so beware if you are not in the kind of shape to jump right into something like that.

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Is The P90X Nutrition Diet Easy To Follow?

The P90X Nutrition Plan itself is easy to understand, but following it can be a challenge. There are no blow off days allowed and the number of calories that you might be used to will be dramatically cut. Cravings can be expected and will have to be fought off regularly.

In addition, the exercise routines that are required with P90X2 are very extreme. Each session is either weights, cardio, or a combination of the two and a good deal of time is required to be sacrificed in order to successfully complete the program. Many find the exercising either too hard or just too time-consuming, but the P90X Nutrition Plan won’t work without the exercising. This program is tough to follow for even the fitness fanatics.

P90x Fat Shredder Pdf

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P90x Fat Shredder Diet

The P90X Nutrition Plan comes with lots of hard work and upfront costs. The P90X2 program itself costs about $330 plus shipping and there is also the cost of food to be considered. In addition, Beachbody suggests that you buy their vitamins, supplements, and meal bars which can greatly add to the overall cost. If you do not have equipment like a pull up bar, or some weights you also will need to invest in those.

P90x2 Fat Shredder Diet Meal Plan

However, what can’t be discounted is just how extreme the P90X2 program is. Those just getting into weight loss and fitness will struggle mightily with P90X2 and with the P90X Nutrition Plan.