Seglass Ni Tonday Meaning

  1. The Last Guardian Armored Knights
  2. Seglass Ni Tonday Translation
  3. Seglass Ni Today Meaning In English
  4. Seglass Ni Today Meaning
  5. Knights Of Iacon

'Seglass Ni Tonday' Stormreign uttered. 'Seglass Ni Tonday' Dragonicus repeated. 'Seglass Ni Tonday' Steelbane said. Each of them said those words until it came back to Stormreign. 'The Prime of Life, Nova Prime has come to us.' Adam took a moment to look at himself. Inspecting his metallic hands and feeling his metal-like face. Transformers: The Last Knight. Added on Thursday, June 22, 2017 Paramount Pictures will release The Last Knight Soundtrack - Music From The Motion Picture digitally on June 23, 2017, and La-La Land Records will release a limited edition 2-CD SET (of 3000 units)on July 11, 2017. ‘Seglass ni Tonday’. It would mean the imminent destruction of everything we. The twelve guardian knights combined into a.

Please read and enjoy! Also, don't forget to read the prequels, 'Dark of the Moon: Altered 2' and 'Age of Extinction: Altered'!

'Seglass ni tonday.' ' 'Wait a minute. I heard that before. A knight on a ship. What does it mean?' 'With your dying breath, protect the staff.' ' 'Okay, this is.

(The Axalon)

The ship was full of life again. After three long years, Cybertronians walked across it's floors. Unlike how it was under Lockdown's command the past thousand years, there were no prisoners, no gruesome trophies or anything of the like. Autobots were moving about, conversing with each other or checking the ship's systems and weapons. In the lower level hangar, Omega Supreme was landing after his return from dropping off the sparklings in Cuba. Inside the command center, the officers consisting of Prowl, Camshaft, Jazz, Ironhide, Hubcap, Silverbolt and Armorhide were currently holding a meeting. Around them other bots were at work.

'In the past few hours, we've picked up multiple energon signatures heading towards Cybertron.' Camshaft explained. 'We have reason to believe these are Decepticons that had originally been in hiding.'

'Which means they must've known about Cybertron's approach long before we did.' Jazz concluded.

Prowl nodded. 'Judging from the number of signatures, I'd have to say the Decepticon's forces outnumber us. A head on assault of any kind would not work for us.'

'We've dealt with those Cons having the larger forces. Hasn't stopped us yet.' Ironhide retorted. 'Besides, they might outnumber us, but they don't overpower us. We have Omega Supreme and the Axalon with us.'

Sighing, the lieutenant made no comment. Ironhide was always gung-ho, though he did have some points. Looking at the Aerialbot leader, Prowl asked, 'What's our current distance?'

'We're about 10 clicks away from England. According Wingblade, there are a group of Autobots there waiting for us.' Silverbolt explained. 'They should be contacting us any second now.'

On cue, a voice came out through the coms. A technician brought up a holo-screen, revealing Hot Rod's face. 'Bonjour! Is anyone there?' Hot Rod asked.

Ironhide's optics shuttered. 'Hot Rod? Is that you?' The weapon specialist asked.

'Oui! It is I! And I am with the whole groupe too!' The French-speaking mech replied.


Prowl walked up to the screen. 'Where are you and you're team right now? We'll come and pick you up.'

Hot Rod shook his head. 'Non, non! Don't do that! Bumblebee and Kup have gone with the humans to retrieve the staff. We lost communications with them a while ago. They might need your help.' He said.

Prowl frowned but complied. 'Roger that. Send us their last coordinates and we'll find them. What are the rest of you going to do?'

'We are preparing an ambush at Stonehenge! It's where the Decepticons would have to put the staff for it to transfer the energy to Cybertron. Cannot tell you rest of it, Bee and Kup will fill in the gaps. Got to go! Souhaitez-nous bonne chance!' And the connection ended.

The Autobots blinked their optics as they took in the information. They barely had time to process it when the ship suddenly shook. Then something could be seen shooting out of the ship's hull and flying in the direction towards England. The reaction was everyone on board scrambling in preparations for a possible attack.

'What the scrap was that?!' Ironhide bellowed, Shell Cannons at the ready.

The rest all ran out of the command room, seeing other Autobots also moving about wildly, trying to figure out what happened. Hound was yelling out swears, both human and Cybertronians, while waving his quad barrel shotguns. 'Where are those bitches! I'll slag them good!' He shouted.

'Stand down, Hound!' Prowl ordered. They then saw Ratchet and Jolt stumbling towards them. Both medics were covered in dust and appeared a bit disoriented. 'What happened to you two?'

'The same thing that caused the ship to shake.' Ratchet answered. 'I was performing some tests on Adam when the youngling suddenly woke up. He burst out of the infirmary and flew right out of the ship. It happened at the same time when we picked up a large energy spike.'

'Wait? The little squirt shook the whole ship?' Hound asked.

'Whatever the reason, we need to track him. He's heading near where Hot Rod said they lost contact with Bumblebee's group. If we follow Adam, we'll find the others.' Jazz said.

(The Steelhaven)

The entire chamber had gone silent. All eyes and optics were on the Optimus look alike. His deep purple optics were focused solely on the staff in Viviane's hands. With a snarl he stomped forward. 'The staff. Give it to me.'

Several soldiers tentatively moved out of the way as Nemesis made his way over. Viviane was frozen stiff. Both of her hands gripped the staff, but all she could do was just stare at the large Cybertronian towering before her. Beside her, Cade was also staring at who he believed was Optimus. 'Prime what are you doing?' Cade asked but got no response from Nemesis. Cade tried some more. 'Don't you remember me? It's me, Cade Yeager. We fought together. Optimus!'

At the name, Nemesis glared at the human, causing Yeager to subconsciously step back. 'I am not Optimus. That fool failed my mistress, failed his purpose. I am his successor, Nemesis Prime. And my mission is to retrieve that staff.' He declared, looking back at Viviane. Getting to one knee, Nemesis lowered his head closer towards Viviane. 'Now hand it over.'

Viviane was still frozen as she looked face to face with glowing purple optics. 'Cade' She stuttered.

'Give me the staff, human. Or I will kill you.' Nemesis threatened.

'Cade' Repeated Viviane.

Cade looked between Nemesis and Viviane. He could tell that the Cybertronian would not hesitate to slaughter everyone of them just to get that staff. With a resigned sigh, Cade said to Viviane. 'Give it to him.'

All around them, the other soldiers didn't move, unsure of what to make of this situation. Lennox was staring from Cade, to Nemesis, to Viviane and back again. Bumblebee and Cogman also glanced at each other, before the yellow mech looked at his supposed leader.

'Do it!' Cade repeated, this time with more force.

Viviane didn't reply. Instead, she just slowly raised the staff to Nemesis in defeat. Without a word, the mech snatched the staff before putting it in a hidden compartment on his chest.

At that moment, Santos decided to act and opened fire. The explosive rounds struck Nemesis in the back but didn't seem to faze him. Instead Nemesis spun around, pulled out his laser pistols, and fired back. The bolts sent many TRF soldiers flying as the mech got up. 'All who challenge me will die.' Nemesis snarled as he calmly walked out, ignoring the groans of pain.

Seglass Ni Tonday Meaning

Viviane was still in a state of shock of what just happened. Bumblebee let out disheartened sounds before Cade got his attention. 'We gotta stop him, Bee.' Yeager said. 'You heard him, that is not Optimus. Prime would never do something like this. Whatever it takes we can't let him get away with the staff.' Bumblebee nodded as pulled out a war hammer from his subspace compartment. As the yellow mech headed off to stop Nemesis, Cade looked at Cogman. 'I need you to get Viviane back to the sub. Got it? This is no time to be acting all snide.'

Cogman was about to let out another witty remark, but seeing the serious look in Cade's face, the headmaster relented. 'As you wish.'

'Wait, what about you?' Viviane asked, finally snapping out of her shock.

'I got to go and back Bee up. He's been there for me these past few years, so I got to be there for him.' Cade said with determination as he took out a Cybertronian pistol. 'Just trust me, okay.' He said before getting ready to follow Bee.

Meanwhile Lennox was giving orders. 'Santos, help with the wounded. Epps, Graham, contact the subs and fleet to let them know the situation. Now!' He commanded as the uninjured soldiers were moving about. He then looked at Cade. 'I'm going with you. You're going to need all the help you can get with that thing.' Said Lennox.

Cade stared at the Colonel for a moment, contemplating whether or not to let him come. Eventually he relented and the two headed after Bumblebee. As the others started to evacuate, none of them paid any notice to the twelve Knights. Slowly, their optics started to light up, servos and gears began to move, and their systems came online.

A few minutes later, Cogman and Viviane finally reached the Miranda. There, they saw Kup standing outside the sub, shotgun at the ready. The old mech must've felt the ship vibrating and immediately gotten out to investigate. Kup's stance lightened when he saw the two. 'Cogman! Ms. Viviane! What the slag is going on?' The veteran asked.

'We found the staff!' Viviane exclaimed as she wadded through water towards the sub, helped up by Kup. 'But someone looking like Optimus came and took the staff. Bee and Cade are heading after him towards the top.'

Kup frowned, chewing on his cy-gar at this. He eventually shifted his shotgun so that both hands were holding it. 'In that case, you two get inside. Tell Perceptor and Trailbreaker to start the sub and get out of here. I'll go and help the lads. Now get moving!' He ordered before jumping into the water and making his way up top.

(Outside the Steelhaven)

During the whole time, the Steelhaven had reached the surface. The top of the massive ship emerged from the ocean, large amounts of water shooting into the air as numbers of waves spread out. In a certain part of the ship, Nemesis and Bumblebee were shot out as if flying from a cannon. Nemesis managed to land but left him open to Bumblebee. The yellow mech swung his hammer, hitting the Optimus imposter right in the face. Nemesis was sent backwards, spitting out energon. Bumblebee followed up, grabbing Nemesis's head and slammed him against the ship. Letting out a growl, Nemesis slid his battle mask on and delivered an uppercut that sent Bumblebee flying before recovering his axe and engaging the yellow mech.

Nemesis brought the weapon down, but Bumblebee stopped the swing with his hammer. Kicking him back, Bumblebee got up and swung his hammer at his opponent. Nemesis grabbed the hammer with his free hand before kicking Bumblebee in the leg, knocking the yellow mech off his feet. He then delivered another kick into Bee's chest before their weapons clashed.

Not to far away from the fight, Lennox and Cade had finally gotten outside. Large waves were moving across the ship's hull as it continued to rise above the water. The two humans had to be careful as to not be swept by the waves.

'Look! There they are!' Cade shouted when he spotted Bumblebee fighting Nemesis. 'C'mon, we gotta get closer!'

Nemesis and Bumblebee were still locked in combat, neither giving the other an inch. It was only when the false Prime managed to disarm Bee did the battle begin to turn against the yellow mech. 'You think you can defeat me?! I am Nemesis Prime! You are nothing!' He roared as he grabbed Bumblebee by the back of his door wings. With a strong tug, Nemesis pulled them off Bee's back before grabbing the yellow bot by the arm and tossing him aside.

Bumblebee chirped and clicked in annoyance before regaining his balance. Shifting his bask mask over his face, Bumblebee charged forward, bringing out his plasma cannon. Nemesis brought out his laser pistols and the two mechs fired at one another. Neither were able to land a fatal blow, just a few scratches, and Bumblebee was able to reach Nemesis. Performing a powerful leap, Bumblebee lunged at the black and blue mech, delivering a strong punch to the face. However, Nemesis took that opening to bring both fists down on top of Bumblebee. The yellow mech hit the ship's roof with a loud bang.

With his opponent temporarily stunned, Nemesis picked up his axe and raised it over his head. 'Die!' He hissed as he prepared to bring it down on Bumblebee. He was stopped, though, by the timely arrival of Cade and Lennox. Yeager fired his cybertronian pistol while Lennox fired explosive rounds. Nemesis growled as he felt the projectiles hit his shoulder and raised his dual pistols to fire back. This time he was stopped by Kup, who had just arrived. The veteran fired his plasma pulse shotgun at Nemesis's back, forcing the mech to stagger away from Bumblebee.

'Bee! Get up lad! This fight an't over yet!' Kup yelled as he kicked Bee's hammer to him. The yellow mech let out a chirp of gratitude and grabbed his weapon. He struck Nemesis's in the chest, causing the imposter Prime to lose his pistols.

Another wave came in, knocking Cade and Lennox off their feet. Bumblebee had turned to check on them, but that second of distraction was all Nemesis needed to bash the yellow mech to the side. He then turned his attention towards Kup, dodging the veteran's attacks while charging. Nemesis brought his axe down on Kup, forcing the grey mech to raise his shotgun in defense.

'Ancient relic! You do not belong in my mistress's vision of a new Cybertron.' Nemesis growled.

Kup grunted. 'Better to be a relic, then a damn phony like you, punk!' Kup retorted.

That comment did not sit well with Nemesis. He let out a roar and shoved Kup back. Then he struck the old mech in the left knee with his axe, causing Kup to yell in pain as he felt the blade sever several wires and gears. Nemesis grabbed Kup by the throat and prepared to kill him before he was tackled by Bumblebee. Kup fell on his aft, tending to his wounded leg. Cade had managed to get back up and rushed over to help Bee, Lennox slowly getting to his feet too.

Bumblebee's tackle sent him and Nemesis sliding/rolling down towards the center of the ship's roof. The false Prime was the first to recover, grabbing Bee by the neck before delivering a brutal punch to the yellow mech's stomach, followed by slamming him against the floor. Nemesis than picked up his axe as he stood over Bumblebee. Raising his weapon, Nemesis snarled. 'I told you: all those who challenge me will die!' He declared as he brought the blade down on Bumblebee…

…Only for a sword to stop its descent, the axe's blade inches from Bee's face. The two mechs' optics widened as they looked at the source. Above them, Cade, Lennox and a limping Kup arrived and were also surprised at the newcomer.

Standing there, his sword against his counterpart's weapon, was none other than Optimus Prime. His battle mask on, Optimus said, 'Not today.'

Rewinding half an hour ago, Optimus was still falling through Earth's atmosphere. He had used his shield's thrusters to slow his descent and angle so that Optimus would hit the water. And Prime's gamble had paid of as Optimus struck the seawater of the Atlantic Ocean. His systems recovered quickly as Optimus poked his head out of the surface.

'Ultra Magnus' Optimus said through his coms. 'Its Optimus. I'm okay. I managed to land in the water without serious damage. Sending you my coordinates for pick up.'

Just as Optimus finished his message, he felt something solid hit the bottom of his feet. Soon said object began to rise until it breached the surface. The young Prime instantly realized that it was the hull of a large ship and was rising quickly. Immediately, Optimus took out his sword and impaled it through the hull, ensuring that he would not fall off. Once he felt a steady grip, Optimus began climbing up the ship to get to the top.

By the time he reached the top, the ship was fully out of the water and moving. Looking at it, Optimus came to the realization that this was the Steelhaven an ancient though advanced Cybertronian vessel Alpha Trion had told him about. But his audio sensors soon picked up the sound of fighting close by. As he moved against the waves across the slippery metal, Optimus' optics picked up Bumblebee fighting against Quintessa's clone. Without even thing, he dashed towards them, pulling his sword out. Optimus reached them just as Nemesis was about to finish off the yellow mech. That is when we reached the present.

The Last Guardian Armored Knights

With a roar, Optimus shoved Nemesis back, then engaging his clone in battle. Nemesis tried to fight back, but he was being pressured by Optimus. Said Prime was filled with rage at the thought that one of his own comrades was nearly killed by a duplicate of his. Add to that this duplicate would have a hand in Earth's destruction and affiliated with the same person that hired Lockdown to hunt his friends three years ago, only fueled Optimus' fury.

Nemesis soon lost his axe, the weapon knocked out of his hands. He tried to raise one of his pistols, but it was destroyed by Optimus's blade. 'No!' Nemesis yelled as he made a desperate lounge towards Optimus. 'I cannot lose! I am Nemesis Prime!'

Optimus easily moved to the side and dodged his clone's attack. 'No! You are nothing!' The Prime declared as he brought his sword down behind Nemesis. In one swift move, the blade cut Nemesis Prime's body in half. Both ends hit the ground at the same time. The purple optics of the clone faded seconds after as energon spilled onto the ship.

With his foe now dead, Optimus vented deeply as he put his sword on to his back. He then walked over towards Bumblebee, offering the yellow mech a hand. 'Can you stand Bumblebee?' Optimus asked.

Bumblebee was frozen still for a brief moment, unable to believe that his leader had returned. However, he recovered and nodded. Taking Optimus's hand, Prime pulled the yellow mech up.

'Prime!' A voice yelled, getting the two Autobots' attention. Sliding down the side was Cade, followed by Lennox and Kup, the latter using his shotgun as a makeshift clutch.

Seglass Ni Tonday Translation

'Cade. Colonel Lennox. Kup!' Optimus said as each individual approached the two. 'It is good to see you again, all of you.'

Cade looked at Optimus. He didn't need to ask if this was the real one. This was indeed the Optimus Prime.

'It's good to see you too, sir.' Kup replied. 'But right now, we need to get the staff from that corpse's body. Before any more trouble comes.'

Unfortunately, 'trouble' did come. Explosions appeared all around them, sending the three Autobots and two humans flying. That's when Megatron landed, followed by Starscream, Nitro Zeus and Cyclonus. The Air Commander grabbed Kup by the throat and slammed him hard across the ship's hull. Cyclonus meanwhile put his foot on Bumblebee, pinning the yellow bot down and pointed his laser rifle at his face. Deciding to go after Optimus, Nitro held the Prime with his blade right next to the Autobot Commander's spark. Meanwhile, Megatron walked over to Nemesis's corpse. Giving little regards to the body, the Decepticon leader roughly pulled the staff from the clone's compartment. The staff extended so it would better fit in the Cybertronian's hand.

'You ruined your chance to kill Unicron, Optimus Pussy!' Nitro taunted as he stepped to the side.

Megatron then grabbed Optimus by the top of his helm. Their optics glaring at one another. 'I knew that you couldn't do it! That's why Quintessa created that clone in the first place.' Megatron said. 'You turned your back on Cybertron. Now as punishment you will watch Earth die!' With that Megatron shoved Optimus back and took off, followed by the other Decepticons.

Just as they left, the Guardian Knights appeared. 'There he is!' One of them yelled. They were all armed and charged straight towards Optimus. The Prime barely had a moment to get up when the closes knight, Steelbane, smacked Optimus in the back with his spear. Another Knight, Dragonicus, slammed his fist into Optimus's face, knocking the Prime back down.

The rest of the knights began to surround the young Prime, pushing back Bumblebee and Kup, while Cade and Lennox tried to avoid being stepped on. Not to far away, Perceptor and Trailbreaker had managed to get onto the Steelhaven before it took off. Perceptor was carrying Viviane and Cogman in his hands. All four of them were watching as the knights ganged up on Optimus.

'You allowed Quintessa, the Great Deceiver to corrupt the sacred essence of the Primes!' A knight yelled as he kicked Optimus in the chest.

'The Killer of Quintus and Alchemist Prime has the staff, and you didn't do anything to stop her!' Shouted Dragonicus as he slammed his sword against Optimus's back, followed by another Knight with an axe.

The red-armored Knight and the leader, Stormreign, approached Optimus. 'You betrayed your own kind. You broken the Knight's oath.' He declared as he smacked the Prime with his mace. He nodded to his second, Dragonicus. Said mech walked up with his sword at the ready. 'The judgment is death.'

Cade couldn't take it anymore. Watching Optimus taking a beating for something he had no control over was too much and now they were going to kill him. In a hopeless attempt to stop the execution, Cade got in between Optimus and Dragonicus, unaware that the talisman attached to his arm was moving towards his hand while slowly transforming. In that one second several things happened. A fast-moving object hard landed between Optimus and Dragonicus just as Cade was nearing them. The impact created a small shockwave that pushed Cade backed a bit. At the same time, the talisman flew off and transformed into a European longsword and into the newcomer's hand. Said person raised the blade and blocked Dragonicus's larger sword with ease.

Seglass Ni Today Meaning In English

Everyone looked at the arrival. It was a Cybrtronian but had a white and ultramarine bio-metallic chassis that was clearly different from others, almost like armor. He was the same size as a human teenager and his blue optics scanned the knights. In his hands was the sword, now in its true form as Excalibur. Despite his appearance Cade, as if feeling a bond with this new Cybertronian, instantly recognized him. 'Adam?'

The Knights all gathered around Adam, forming a circle. One by one they raised their weapons. 'Seglass Ni Tonday' Stormreign uttered.

'Seglass Ni Tonday' Dragonicus repeated.


'Seglass Ni Tonday' Steelbane said.

Each of them said those words until it came back to Stormreign. 'The Prime of Life, Nova Prime has come to us.' He said.

Adam took a moment to look at himself. Inspecting his metallic hands and feeling his metal-like face. 'This…this feels so weird and yet so normal. Like I've just woken up from a dream or something.' He commented, his new mouth moving naturally.

'Cade, Adam.' Optimus said mournfully as he slowly got up. 'I have failed you. I've allowed the Decepticons to take the staff and with it doomed Earth. The only other place besides Cybertron that I have called home. I am unworthy of being a leader.'

Seglass Ni Today Meaning

'That's…that's not true, Optimus Prime.' A voice said. This time it came from none other than Bumblebee, shocking the humans. It wasn't a quote from a movie or the radio, it was Bee's real voice. 'Optimus, I would gladly give my life for you. Because I believe in you.'

Kup, Trailbreaker and Preceptor all gave nods in agreement. Cade spoke up this time. 'He's right, Optimus. We can't do it without you. You're the only one who can lead us through this.'

'One chance. That's all we got. And we can't achieve that without you at the front, Optimus.' The christened Nova Prime added.

Hearing their words, renewed determination filled Optimus's spark. With a stance that spoke of confidence, the Prime stood and looked at the Knights. 'My brothers, I swear I shall never fail our people again.' He declared. As he spoke the Iron Will had finally arrived, hovering above the gathered Cybertronians and humans. 'To save our two races and our planets, we must go to Cybertron. And there destroy Quintessa!'

Knights Of Iacon

There is chapter 13. The final battle is approaching us now folks! I'll also be unveiling the history between Quintessa, the Knights and the Primes next chapter too. Be sure to review!

P.S. I'm and still leaning towards doing a sequel crossover with the Avengers.